
Avoid semicolons in your writing whenever possible.

While you can use them to separate complex lists that already have commas in them, they can make your writing sound too formal. They can also add complexity for translations.

Instead, separate independent clauses with a period or with conjunctions like and, or, but, and so.

…provides access to options in the View, Edit, Format, and Data menus. Users can search line items in an element, and they can also open a source module.

…provides access to options in the View, Edit, Format, and Data menus; the ability to search line items in an element; and to open a source module.

If you must use a semicolon in non-product content types, make sure you do so to indicate a pause that is more pronounced than that indicated by a comma or to connect two closely related sentences that could stand on their own. 

Bob can be quite direct in meetings; Jeanine finds his style challenging.

Do not follow a semicolon with a capital letter unless the next word is a proper noun.