Active and passive voice

When to use active voice

With active voice, the subject of the sentence (the customer or the system) does the action. 

Use the active voice in most cases. Sentences that use active voice are shorter, clearer, and easier to read.

Plus, active voice reflects our confident, bold brand personality and supports the conversational style we aim to convey in all our Anaplan content.

When to use passive voice

With passive voice, the subject of the sentence receives the action of the verb. It's not important to know who the subject is in these cases.

Use passive voice when you want to convey more objectivity, put distance between the actor and the action, or to confirm an action a customer just completed.

For example, in error messages, toasts, or confirmations, it’s OK to use passive voice to help bring attention to the thing being acted upon. This can help soften the message and reassure customers they're not to blame.

Your model has been deleted.

We deleted your model.

Helpful tips

When possible, try to address the customer as you or use an imperative verb.

If it's clearer to refer to the subject's role, you can use the third person (the workspace administrator).

Helping verbs such as is, was, or would may indicate that you’re using a passive construction. If you can add the phrase by zombies after the verb, you’re writing in the passive voice. 

Unless you need to soften a message with a passive construction, rewrite the sentence to put the focus on the object.

Increase sales productivity with Anaplan Sales Planning.

Sales productivity can be increased (by zombies) with Anaplan Sales Planning.

We will use these questions to expedite support for your issue.

These questions will be used (by zombies) to expedite support for your issue.

View also: 

Error messages



Verb tense

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